Camp NaNoWriMo! Here We Go Again!

Nanowrimo, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you?
Nanowrimo, does it show again
My my, just how much I’ve missed you?

If you are appalled by my alteration of Mamma Mia! sorry not sorry. I just saw the second movie and I frickin loved it, but we are not here to talk about my love for Abby, no, it is Camp NaNoWriMo season and I’m hoping it will be the best one yet.

If ya didn’t know the first time I tried I failed, like I am pretty sure I didn’t write a single word because I was so stressed out with finals. The second time I have tried I ended up quitting halfway for some reason but I’m sure it was a pretty stupid reason so I don’t really have an excuse. But this time will be different. This time I will win Camp NaNoWriMo, after all third times a charm.

I have participated in NaNoWriMo 3 times and always found it successful (not in meeting the goal of 50k but in getting a solid amount of writing done), and given how this year I have no exams it should be pretty easy to focus on Camp NaNoWriMo.

I’m hoping to beat my current writing slump with Camp NaNoWriMo and return to a writing project of mine that I haven’t touch since January I think or late December. Which brings us to what I am going to write in April.

Writing Project: The Stein Legacy (originally created in 2018 NaNoWriMo)

Current Status: I am midway on Chapter 12 (the start of Part 2 in a 3 Part story)

Current Stage: Draft 1 (following a loose outline)

Goal: Write out 120 Pages in 30 Days

Pitch: Ernest must deal with the fallout of his brother’s scientific mess and try to restore the Frankenstein name before it gets him killed.

Reason: After jumping from project to project these last 3 months it should be fun to return back to my supernatural comedy. One of my writing goals for this year is to finish writing this book out so I can edit it either later this year or the start of next year.

Which brings us to 120 pages. I’m just going to point out that The Stein Legacy will need a lot more than 120 pages to be considered done. I mean I am not even at the halfway point, but a 120 pages can be broken further down into 4 pages a day and that is a pretty obtainable goal. If I write 4 pages a day then fantastic, but 4 pages a day is the bare minimum I want to complete in April.

Anyways this is my update saying I will be participating. I know April is one of the harder times to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo due to exams but if you are interested you should join. One of the best parts of Camp NaNoWriMo is that you can set your own goal and decide if you want to keep track of chapters/pages/words/hours spent writing, so it is not impossible to perticipate if you have a busy month.

As always I will update my writing progress on the 10th, 20th, & May 1st. May the writing Gods bless all who participate with lots of caffeine, writing sprints & zero writing slumps.
