NaNoWriMo: A New Journey Begins

The Office Panic GIFs | TenorNaNoWriMo is coming people, and nobody panic! I was so busy getting through my reading list, that this year I am woefully underprepared for NaNoWriMo and am currently rushing to get my plans in order. This year I will not be working on Escape or TSL, like the past years. For once I am starting a new old project. Old as in it is already “finished” and new because I have never dedicated a NaNoWriMo to it, until now. So, in true prepper fashion, let’s talk about my writing plans.

Project: Dilemma (Book 2 in The Escape Saga)

Genres: High Fantasy, New Adult, Comedy, Romance, Adventure

NaNoWriMo Goals: So, my goals for this NaNoWriMo are very specific and surprisingly manageable. There are 4 goals of this month’s project.

Goal 1: Add An Action Scene – Spoilers but this book takes place at sea, and I have not utilized that to the fullest extent. There was a scene I have been playing around in my head for a while and I think I found the perfect spot to add in it in my story. This scene I would be writing from scratch. Yes, the book can manage without it, but its my book and I say let’s add more scenes then cut them. Truly a publisher’s worst nightmare in the making.

Goal 2: Give Secondary Characters An Actual Plot – So funny story, I reread this story and realized that way back in the day when I wrote Dilemma, I neglected two main characters. There is a lot of build up on their end but no revels, no action, nothing really. Honestly you could cut them, and it wouldn’t make a difference to the story, but not anymore! I have outlined a plot for them and suddenly my world has become bigger, has more depth and it is going to make what will happen later in the series make so much more sense. So, I will be writing a lot of these scenes from scratch and have to find the perfect sections for them to appear in already established chapters.

Goal 3: Type It Out On Reedsy Book Editor – Currently book 2 is nothing but pencil on paper. If it’s going to be edited and double check for word count, it is going to be needed to be typed which is by far my least favourite thing to do. Thankfully I have gotten into Reedsy, so it should be easier this time around.

Goal 4: Edit – Call me cocky but I feel pretty confident in getting goals 1-3 done. especially snice I am not merging previous chapters/new ideas like I had to for Escape. Instead, I am simply adding new scenes. So why not get editing out of the way too. Of course, I will only tackle goal 4 if I complete goals 1-3 before the end of NaNoWriMo. So let’s just tentatively say I have 4 NaNoWriMo goals.

942 images about •••• on We Heart It | See more about gif and florence pughAnd those are my writing plans for NaNoWriMo of 2022! I’m thrilled for this years NaNoWriMo, especially it is my first NaNoWriMo where I don’t have school to interfere with my writing time. It also feels nice to get back to my roots. I have big plans for writing in 2023, so I am determined to make this NaNoWriMo my most successful one yet. As always, I will share little updates in November and of course, May the Writing Gods smile upon us.

               Nyssa Rose

*All pictures do not belonged to me and yes, they have inspired my book in some way.