My 2024 Collected Comic Book Releases

Trinity Special #1It’s 2024, and with a new year comes new books. This time around I am going to talk about my most anticipated collected editions of comics. Last year I read alot of comics (167!), and it did wonders for my mental health. 2023 was a chaotic year and I couldn’t really focus on books, but comics with the pretty art were extremally digestible. This year I am going to focus on mainly backlist books and comics (both backlisted & new). Some of these I have already read the single issues for but I want it collected & I plan on re-reading once it lands in my hands. I will try to list the main writers and artist, but they all have various teams working on each one. I also included the months these comics are supposed to come out in. There is no guarantee it will stick to the dates as things are constantly getting push back or forward. So take that with a grain of salt. With all that in mind here are the collected editions I am most excited for.

DC's How to Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Days #1

First up is DC’s How To Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Days. Inspired from 90’s/00’s RomComs, comes 8 stories about how messy love can be. Such as the Flash using his powers to travel back in time to try and make 50 first dates perfect, and Red Tornado, who just can’t seem to find love unless it’s mail from a computer screen. This just sounds like a fun time and perfect for the month of love. I really enjoy anthologies, it’s a great way to find new writers and in this case read about characters I may not know a lot about. This one comes out February 6th.

Knight Terrors: Terror Titans HC

The entire Knight Terrors Hardcover series (Knight Terrors, Dark Knightmares, Knightmare League, Knockturnal Creatures, & Terror Titans) by Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter & Various. These collect the entire Knight Terrors event with the exception of The Batman Brave & The Bold #4. A new villain has arrived, trapping both DC Heroes and Villains in their worst nightmares, all while looking for the dreaded Nightmare stone hidden in one of their dreams. So I have already read this entire event as it came out, but this year it is being collected in hardcover editions. This is the event that really got me into reading comics and keeping track of new issues as they were released weekly. So these have a special place in my heart. I am looking forward to adding this to my collection but as I get my hands on them I’m planning on rereading them.

Dark Nights: Death Metal Omnibus HC

Dark Nights: Death Metal by Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo & Various. Taking place after Dark Nights: Metal, this was a crisis event to end all crisis event. Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman make one last stand against Perpetua and her army of Dark Knights. I have heard nothing but great things about this one. I also heard it is mainly a Wonder Woman focused story, so that alone has me hyped for this release. I do need to do quite a bit of backlist reading before picking this one up in February, but regardless if I finish all that in time or not I still excited for this one to come out. It collects the entire Dark Nights: Death Metal Saga; which is what you want considering it is one where you need to read the backup tie-ins otherwise you will miss something.

Green Arrow Vol. 1: Reunion TP

Next up is Green Arrow: Reunion Vol.1 by Joshua Williamson & Sean Izaakse. I really enjoyed this Green Arrow story. I’ve reread it several times already and I have no doubt I will reread it several more when it comes out. It was a lot of fun trying to see the Arrow family try and find each other and the mystery behind who is keeping Oliver and Lian away from them. It has me excited for the future of this series and makes me want to go back and try more Green Arrow stories. Slated to come out in March.

Batman: Wayne Family Adventures Vol. 3 TP

Batman: Wayne Family Adventures Vol. 4 TP

It wouldn’t be a comic list without Batman: Wayne Family Adventures Vol. 3 & Vol. 4 by CRC Payne & Starbite. This is just pure joy. It’s a nice break from all the dark heavy batman stories and just makes me feel warm inside. You can read the whole thing on Webtoon for free, I highly recommend it. I’m thrilled that season 2 is getting collected in trade paperback and I am really looking forward to owning this one. Volume 3 comes out in March and Volume 4 comes out in May.

Spirit World TP

One I haven’t read yet, but instead I’m waiting for it to come out in trade paperback is Spirit World by Alyssa Wong, Haining & Sebastian Cheng. Collecting Spirit World #1-6, as well as Xanthe’s stories from Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate #1 and DC Pride 2023. Xanthe is a nonbinary sorcerer who can travel from the living realm to the dead one. They can also burn joss paper to create items, so they just sounds like a badass and a wonderful addition to the DC universe. I also love Cassandra Cain and John Constantine, so I am excited to see how this trio works together. I feel like it would make for a fun dynamic. this one is supposed to come out in April.

Justice League Dark Rebirth Omnibus HC

Justice League Dark Rebirth Omnibus by James Tynion IV, Ram V, Brian Michael Bendis & Ron Marz. When it comes to DC, I enjoy the magic/occult base stories the most. It just leads to all sorts of fun chaos. I have heard nothing but great things about JL Dark Rebirth, so I’m glad that all the stories are going to be collected in a massive omnibus so I have an easy time finding the stories (DC loves its crossovers, which is fine but makes it tricky to read the full story in order). I have already read Endless Winter last year which was fantastic, so I’m looking forward to getting this one. This one collects Justice League Dark #1-29, two Justice League Dark Annuals, the entire The Witching Hour event, the entire Justice League: Endless Winter event, Flash #777-779, Justice League #59-74, Wonder Woman #56-57, Future State: Justice League #1-2, and finally Secrets of Sinister House #1. So this one collects a lot, and I am looking forward to coming out in April.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong HC

Coming out in June is another Justice League title, this time it is Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce & Tom Derenick. This collects issues #1-6. It is exactly as you would think this one is about with the DC Universe clashing with the Monsterverse. Time of writing this post I have read the first #3 issues and I am having such a good time with it. Just superheroes punching monsters. I can’t wait to see how this one ends. Is it groundbreaking literature, no, there are other comics if you were to think deep. But is it essential to read for one’s wellbeing of their mental health, yes. I’m personally looking forward to pulling this one out and just recommending it to anyone who wants a good time.

Teen Titans: Starfire TP

Then  in July we have Teen Titans: Starfire by Kami Garcia & Gabriel Picolo. The fifth installment in the Teen Titans series. I feel like I have been waiting forever for the release of Starfire and now it is finally happening. Starfire has always been a favourite of mine with bubbly personality, and I can’t wait to see what the element of aliens brings to this world. Here’s hoping they bring Cyborg into the mix soon. Also on a side note that cover is just stunning.

Batman and Robin Vol. 1 TP

In August we have Batman & Robin Vol. 1 by Joshua Wlliamson & Simon di Meo. I just really like Williamson’s writing, it’s why he is on this list a lot. This one collects issues #1-4 and the 2024 Annual. I know I say I am excited for all these comics coming out this year, but if I had to chose one that I wanted the most it would be Batman & Robin. Not going to lie, things going on in Detective Comics and the main Batman line right now are bleak. I just don’t care for the direction of Batman’s character as it feels like a regression of all the character development we got over the past year before certain events took place. It feels like a major step back, so something like Batman & Robin was a refreshing read. It gives you hope. We get to see Bruce struggle to act like a single dad and Damian doing everything he can to avoid going to high school (which honestly, no one can blame him). It’s charming, it has simple but fun mystery going on and it just reminds me why I love the character of Batman in the first place. Simone Di Meo’s art is just stunning. Each page looks like a work of art. The single issues were published monthly, so it would be nice to own the full story as a collected piece. It was my favourite comic I read last year and like the rest on this list I cannot wait for it to come out.

The only non-DC comic to make it on this list, Once & Future Deluxe Edition Book 2 by Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora & Tamra Bonvillain. Yes, I read more then DC, I just don’t often collect outside of DC. This one is chalked full of Authurian mythology. We follow a badass retired monster hunter, her totally-unprepared-for-this-kind-of-lifestyle grandson and a museum curator he totally botched the date with, as they try to stop an ancient evil from reshaping the world into something horrific. This collects the remainder of the series, issues #19-30. I have read the first few issues of this series and I absolutely loved it. The story just grips you and Bonvillain’s splashes of colors’ just adds so much to Dan Mora’s art. I did stop reading it because this is one where I want to own both hardcovers. If I can, I want to get the slipcase edition, but I know that they have a limited printing of that. Honestly I am just happy that BOOM! is giving this series the hardcover treatment as it deserves it. This one also comes out in late August.

Wesley Dodds: The Sandman TP

Lastly we have Wesley Dodds: The Sandman by Robert Venditti & Riley Rossmo. Collecting issues #1-6, Wesley Dodds: The Sandman is a gem that came out last year. I just feel not enough people are talking about this one. DC brought back a few Golden Age heroes to give them updated stories, and Wesley Dodds was one of them. I easily fell in love with the character, with his love of mysteries and desire to make the world a better place by sharing his knowledge. I think Rossmo’s art fits the story perfectly, adding that dreamlike quality to it. This one comes out in September.

I also want to briefly mention some single issues coming out this year. They are the rest of the Titans: Beast World event, Trinity Special #1, Batman & Robin #5+, Red Hood: The Hill #1+, Batman: City of Madness#3, Wonder Woman #7, Sinister Sons #1+, & Alligator Loki. I didn’t want to make a separate post for those, especially snice I plan on talking about them more in my wrap ups, but I thought they were worth mentioning. I know as the year continues, more solicitations are posted so my list will end up growing, but for now this is all of them.

Nyssa Rose